Friday, June 24, 2005

Nice day in Vallejo

Let me tell you, it's good to get out of the Central Valley (Stockton & environs)! Yesterday's weather was "Stockton: 90...Vallejo: 72". Hm? Which sounds more appealing? You make the call. Our friend who is catering Lizzie's wedding is letting us crash at her place. Today, while she's at work, I'm doing minor alterations to my "garden party dress", steaming out Gordon's dinner jacket & trousers, ironing his shirt and tie, and generally getting ready for tomorrow. He and famous bluesma Pork Pie Phillips (aka our buddy Carl) are driving down to San Jose to deliver some stuff to Evil Roy (things we forgot to get to him before we moved: oops). Before they left I gave Gordon his monthly haircut (whether it needs it or not). He was starting to look a bit Byronic.

It's nice and cool here and I have three kitties to keep me company and lots of historical movies to watch/listen to while I work. Tonight we're doing the last of the food prep for tomorrow, but many hands make light work.

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